20 Ağustos 2013 Salı

Encouragement vs Praise

Praise and encouragement are different concepts. Praise is more like an evaluation or a judgement and it can have a negative effect on people. On the other hand, encouragement is to inspire with spirit and hope, it is bringing out more motivation and the other person's succesful sides. In other words, it is telling people to do more what we enjoy receiving and do less the things that they are not succesful. The examples in the below picture help us more to understand the difference between these two concepts and the results of using each one of them.

I also found a very good and meaningful statement about encouragement and praise which describes the importance of motivation by using the encouragement after a failure.

14 Ağustos 2013 Çarşamba

Authority and Power

Being an authority and being in power seems to be same things but these are different things with different uses and consequences. Authority is the right given to a manager to achieve the objectives of the organisation. It is a right to get the things done through others by taking decisions or giving orders to the subordinates to get obedience from them. It is more related to influence the others and persuasions over them. Another intresting thing about to authority is that in an organisation we have two options; we experience the authority or we exercise the authority because of hierarchy.
On the other hand, power is a broader concept than authority with the ability of a person to influence the beliefs and actions of other people. Power can be personal power. A person can get his personal power from his personality or from his knowledge. Power is about to control over the people.

13 Ağustos 2013 Salı


As we know authority is the legitimate use of power which one person holds over another, but in our course, we approached to this concept with different perspectives by relating the authority to OFNR analyse and we did some exercices by observing the feelings and needs behind the request of the person with authority to find a way to say "no" to authority figures. When we understand the feelings and needs we can develop a strategy to refuse the authority by fulfilling these needs of the person who have the power with another ways and this also let us talk about the different uses of the authority. We watched an intresting video which shows us different uses of the authority while conducting the orchestra.

Another intresting video that i found is about the milgram experiment which shows us how people obey the authority without questioning it.